I wanted to so something a bit different for this blog post. I would like to show you some of my small antique treasures. ( treasures to me anyway ) Recently I have started to collect some antique quill & fountain pens and inks, bottles anything old that has to do with writing or illustrating. I am having so much fun using these old finds I thought you guys might like to see them! Before I send you to picture land though I would like to announce the winner of the Edward Spoo-kins contest! What I did was basically pull the names from a hat so to speak. People who referred friends and shared the post were entered extra times. One lady actually referred 25 people to my blog and website! Of course I am going to have another contest very very soon! So...the winner of the win Edgar Spoo-kins contest is....drum roll please......
Susan WALKER From Georgia!
Susan please email me with your home addy ok? Folkartist@spookyhollow.net. Please put contest in the subject line!
Your Edgar Spoo-kins will be haunting your home very soon!
Now let's take a tour of my dusty old farm house shall we? I'm not kidding about the dust lol!
I meant to post the old pen and ink photos first but as usual while making this blog I didn't think to post them in the right order lol!
This is a shot of the living room area with my old black forest clock I love. I hope to get it fixed one day so I can watch the tiny little Germans go round and round hehe.
This is a VERY old post card album. It belonged to my grandmothers mother!
Just a pic of the dinning area....notice my chairs don't match lol!
I took this photo because the lights you see are ones I WON last week! I entered a blog contest and won these beautiful St. Patricks Day silicone covered lights! Here is where they came from please tell them Carmen Sent ya! Silicone Bulb Shoppe!
Just a few antique toys including my fave little doll, game pieces my Oma ( German for Grandma ) called Piddlechens hehe and some antique marbles.
These are my fave stuffed antiques! The big bear is an old Steiff. I think her name is Molly. We actually saw her on Antiques road show once! The dog is also Steiff and her name is Zoty? I might have the names reversed lol! The bear with the chain is an old Herman Bear. I don't know much about him yet. All I know is that my Oma brought these over from Germany in the late 1940's.
The magazine is an 1875 Cosmopolitan. It only cost 10 cents back then! The little Titanic box holds a piece of coal from the Titanic wreckage. My ghost hunting friend Bob sent me this. It is rumored to be haunted even!
These are 2 antique postcards I found in an old album that was my Oma's
Now we are finally getting to the ink and pens lol!
The white Feather quill is real and you can write with it if you like! I also have antique ink and quill pens.
This pen is the PRIZE of my collection. It is a Grieshaber From the Chicago Pen Co. I am still learning about this pen but I think it is worth over 200 dollars. I am still investigating and If I am right I will be for sale in my Ebay shop lol
You know I am not even sure what all these are for yet! I use the long yellow one all the time. The little black one gives beautiful fine lines. I also have some fountain quill nib pens that are not pictures and I am trying to get them cleaned up and working. So this is my new love....old ink, pens and or anything to do with illustration! I am hoping to add some vintage wax seal stamps, ornate pen holder with the cooll built in ink wells and things like that. Some of these go for 100s on ebay so I don't see me owning one of those for a long time lol!
I hope you had fun peeking at some of myh old stuff! Also please watch this week for a new mixed media painting I will be listing and Wizard bunny!
God bless and have a wonderful weekend! Oh and hey...I might start the new contest as early as tomorrow!
Carmen Ellis
SPooky Hollow. net