Hey all wassssup??
My week has been so busy! I have been working on some paper mache projects, trying to finish a few paintings and making charm bracelets and something new for spooky Hollow Charm Necklaces! I am going to place a big 30 by 40 mm bubble cab charm...in an antiqued setting as the focal and put little charms and spooky beads around the necklace! When I am done I will show you a picture of course and list it for sale! I am just not sure where to get antiqued brass chain that is a bit larger for charms...Can anyone guide me on that one?
Also A big thank you to a wonderful new customer and Friend Robb Demarest of Ghost Hunters International. He actually took the time to write me a wonderful customer review! How cool is he?
"The first time I saw Carmen's art, I loved it. For me, when I see Spooky Hollow art, it instantly brightens my day. The fun, the whimsy, and the good spirit that the art emits will make it a permanent fixture in my home. Thanks Carmen! -Robb Demarest Lead Investigator of the SyFy channel program: Ghost Hunters International --------------------
He is sooo nice! Most folks being in the public eye like he is wouldn't
give you the time of day! The man has good Karma lol!
Ok after I announce yet another winner in the Spooky Hollow Scarefest Contest I will post some pics of stuff I am working on, need to list or have for sale...
AND THE 3rd Winner of a Spooky Hollow OOAK gift is........Drum roll pleassssseeeeee.........
I just love her work! Please email me at Folkartist@spookyhollow.net with your home addy!
Want to enter my contest and win some great prizes that are all OOAK Spooky Hollow? Just leave me a post! You can also scroll down to the contest post and see what you can win!
Now onto a few pictures!
Ok when I am not painting or something I am messing with my doll house. Yes I am a big baby!!
Ok I better get some work done! I am also going to upload a ton of pics to my flickr now.
Have a great day and dont forget to enter our contest!
Your Ghost Host,
C. Ellis SPooky Hollow.net
I still love your pointy nosed punkin'!
I really love that painting you have listed on eBay. I think I might need it in my house!
I actually like the ugly pumpkin guy, I think he's kind of cute...can't wait to see what he looks like painted!
i still cant believe you like ugly pumpkin head guy lol! I cant finish him until i get my orange paper stuff for his hat and collar!
I love the owl!!! I am such an obsessed owl lover...ever since new zoo revue....
Ooooh yes please do post the dollhouse stuff! I'm totally in love with your paintings and it would be so amazing to have a tiny one in my dollhouse :) :) I'll go check it out when you put it up!
Lirael...I will post them in my Etsy shop for ya lol. The backs arent so pretty but I figured it is going to be glued to a dollhouse wall so what the heck lol
Kelly thank you! I cant wait to finish the owl! Wish he would dry faster!
Yeah! Me so happy :)
My birthday isn't until the last day of the year, but I looked at your charm bracelets today and I know what I'm asking for! They're so nice and filled and the colors are lovely.
Can't wait to see these guys all painted up.....bet they're gonna be spooktacular!!
Your work is beautiful, as always. Did you sell the Haunted Doll House yet?
Ali@Holiday Hollow
I love all your stuff!!
I left you two awards over on my blog!!
I so love your work but I am an owl lover and your new creation owl statue is soooooo cute. Keep up the great work.
I just love your paintings! All of them!! Can't wait to see how you finish them!! And how cool is that to get a comment from the ghost hunter!! WOW!!! And YES! Your stuff IS that good!!! I just love looking at all you pictures! And that ulgy guy is pretty cool! can't wait to see how you finish him.....Ever though of making figures in miniature?? They'd be really cute!!
OH! I don't know what to comment on first! EVERYTHING is too wonderful for words!
lease stop by my blog for a treat....or a trick! LOL!
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