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Friday, April 24, 2009

Just a note about BONANZLE...ERM...UH...ERM

I have been working on and Messing with Bonanzle Today...I don't quite get it yet but I did notice something. Actually My husband pointed it out to me and died laughing. If you go to my booth or store or thingy...and if I am online it will show on the upper right hand of the page a little box with my tiny owls icon. It also says who I am under my owls. It says....WHO IS IN THIS BOOTH...
get this.....R U READY???.................................................Drum roll please.....


Apparently Spooky Hollow just has too many letters in it so they shortened it to Spooky HO.

......................................................BLANK LOOK...twirling hair...........................................................

Have a wonderful night and please watch tomorrow for a new Blog post from your......

Btw...Sarah is getting a big kick out of this llllloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool

Spooky Ho Signing off!

( that is an older pic of me and the ...the spooky ho.)


Two Mile Creek Primitives said...

TOOO cute!!! Now I'll have to look for ya!! I think we all are some kinda Ho but lordy we don't say it out loud!!! Much less display it on our pages for all to see!! LOL So lets see. I'm a bead Ho, prim HO, Bowling HO, racing Ho, embroidery HO... HO HO HO Merry Prim time!! LOL Hugs Rene

Anonymous said...

Hi Carmen! I've got an award for you so stop by whenever you get a chance!
BTW--nice pic :)

Light and Shadow Studio said...

Oh Carmen I am laughing myself to death! That is sooo funny! Thank you for your willingness to share that. I needed a good laugh. Who knows a name like that could bring you a whole new clientele. Tammy

Whimsyfolkartist said...

Rene LOOOL! Caroline Oh GOODIE! Thank you! I am behind on the award placing will try to get them up this weekend. You are so sweet! Tammy I had to post this. I might have a strange sense of humor but it hit me as super funny. Spooky HO...BAHAHHAHHHHAHAHHA!

Anonymous said...

Spooky Ho! LOL!

Ali @ Moon Garden

Unknown said...

That is just so cute!!

Sarah Sullivan said...

Yes.... yes I am - ROFLMAO - still! You would think I would be over this - but honestly it's just too funny and you handle it sooooo well!! Giggle, ho ho, giggle, snort!